Howdy, Pardner

My friend Dave passed away a few years back.  He was an avid skiier and fisherman, and I was fortunate to have had the opportunity to partake of both pastimes with him.  At his funeral a comment was made that life is not measured in number of fish caught but rather in number of fishing partners, deeming BBD’s life a great success.  This struck a chord with me, as I tend to indulge in many of my follies in solitude.  I don’t know that I necessarily prefer it that way other than that it’s way easier to talk myself into something than it is to round up a posse. I decided then and there that the statement was not only true but that I needed to spend more of my life in the company of others, even if that meant catching fewer fish (is that possible?!?) or spooning (and dollar-signing) someone else turns.

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While on my most recent clerkship in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, the heavens opened and unleashed a fury of both powder and ski partners.  Joe and I shared many a ski at the base of the mountains, basking in sun, snow, and and the Grand Teton in all its glory!


Then we had the great opportunity to visit and backcountry ski with Cathy, Justin, Jacque and Joe.  All classmates of sorts, some of whom taught us a thing or two and others who were just whetting their BC Ski appetites.  If I may say so, some fantastic turns were laid upon the rolling canvas that is the Tetons.


I couldn’t help but be reminded of the wisdom spoken at Big Dave’s funeral, and feel grateful for the opportunity to get to know such kind and interesting people in such an amazing environment.  My turns aren’t getting tighter or steeper, and I almost never ski bell-to-bell.  But I continue to spend time with far better skiiers and people than myself, who inspire me to keep on hootin’ and hollerin’ and generally laughing and carrying on, from the top of the hill to the bottom.  It’s been a great winter with great ski pardners, a trend that I hope continues into spring.


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