They Tried To Make Me Go To Rehab

…and I said yes! yes! yes! (to MUSCULOSKELETAL REHAB!) Actually, whenever I hear that song I will forever think of a trauma patient I once had who we bent over backwards to get into a rehab facility and then once we had achieved that stout, nigh impossible goal she vehemently refused to leave the hospital. …


The Soul Sister Is Back

After a very lengthy hiatus from blogging I have decided that the time is now for a new post.  A lot Lot LOT has gone down between Match Day and now and coming up with a place to start has been a real challenge.  For this reason I’ll throw down a brief recap and commence …


Alchemy of The Match

“When you want something badly enough, the whole universe conspires to help you achieve it.” ~Paulo Coehlo, The Alchemist And that, my friends, is the one and only way to explain how yesterday worked out the way it did. Joe and I embarked upon a 24 hour celebration-binge commencing in Big Timber, Montana, on Thursday …


Howdy, Pardner

My friend Dave passed away a few years back.  He was an avid skiier and fisherman, and I was fortunate to have had the opportunity to partake of both pastimes with him.  At his funeral a comment was made that life is not measured in number of fish caught but rather in number of fishing …


Matchmaker Matchmaker Make Me a Match

I matched.  This revelation was sort of anti-climactic because I had a very strong suspicion I would match based on the number of schools I ranked.  Statistically it’s rare not to match when you rank >12 programs.  But I will nonetheless take the small victories as they come! The real deal where I find out …


Keep Calm and Moose On

After a brief, icy nordic ski up Cache Creek to unwind from the least stressful day imaginable, I arrived at my truck (Donna) and busied myself with staging photos of the sunset, mountains, and my skis. Just as I began to tuck my camera back into my coat pocket, a mama and a baby moose …



“Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, …


It’s The Hard That Makes It Great

I cannot shake the idea that I am not doing enough right now.  Many adventures have ensued since my last post, however some of my attempts at being more active have been stymied by circumstance and poor planning.  I made the mistake of going on my last interview circuit without running shoes.  I thought hiking …
