Little Green

I went to Norway to ski tour in 2019 and came back with a little stowaway, unbeknownst to me.

My very favorite TV show, Northern Exposure, once had an episode insinuating that people of Asian heritage travel to northern latitudes to procreate under the Aurora in hopes of an auspicious coupling.  Pan to Jimmy and me joking about our own auspicious coupling on the night that the Northern Lights performed while we were in Norway


We returned to Salt Lake and I told Jimmy that I thought I might be pregnant. He told me it would be impossible.  That we were in the 2nd half of our 30s and that basically under such circumstances we would really have to be trying to pull something like that off.

Pan to us stopping at a discount grocer on our way home from the garden store to pick up a pregnancy test.  The rest is history.

We discussed giving our daughter a name that would be reflective of these circumstances.  I have never been a fan of Aurora (too Disney Princess?).  We told a buddy of ours, who suggested the name “Inge.”  Jimmy loved it.  I have known one Inge in my life and had a positive connotation. I googled the meaning and discovered that Ing is the Norse god of fertility.  Inge loosely meaning daughter of the norse god of fertility.  How fitting.

And that is how our little Ingebjorn found her sweet name.


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